Out Loud Proud

Out Loud Proud

photo-90Today is going to be my last day off in a while and one “to do” on my list is to sit down and look at my calendar. I know I’ve committed to a few things and for all I can remember, some of them are on the same date. Matt just emailed me something for the 17th and I said yes without even looking to see if anything else is going on…and I know we’ve been invited to dinner tomorrow night. After that, I can’t remember much of when and where I’m supposed to be.

This all reminded me of Martha Stewart’s calendar in her monthly magazine. If you haven’t seen it, it’s called “Martha’s Month” and it’s always on the first few pages. It’s her date-by-date record of important things she will be doing that month. The little numbered boxes on the calendar say things like “horseback ride,” “check flour and sugar supply,” “Speak at Trade Show in Chicago,” or “dinner with family and friends.” I love how she intermingles activities on a day-by-day basis: personal, professional, seemingly frivolous to others, all… important to her.

Last week at church, my Pastor handed out little “thank you” cards to each person in the congregation. Each card was hand-written on the outside with our names and the words “Thank you for being…,” and then inside was scribed with our individual “gifts” to her. Mine said, “Joy, thank you for being…. out loud proud of your success.”

I struggled all week with what she wrote. I wasn’t sure whether or not “out loud proud” meant too boastful of my achievements. My mind and energy went right to the negative – I wondered if maybe I tell too many stories about the good things that have happened to me since I first started thinking about opening a bra shop. People ask me how it’s going at the shop all the time. I kind of assumed that Margaret was referring to the “success” of the shop. I’m very encouraged by what goes on there. I talk about it a lot.

The other thought stream I had about it this week was to not be ridiculous! … my Pastor would not be critical with a thank you note. It would be so obvious to me (for a moment as I tried to shrug off the other thought) that she really did appreciate the very thing for which she was thanking me. Being “successful” at what you want to be “successful at” is a good thing, right?  I want to help women find joy and I’ve think I created something that does that. I’ve also had some pretty good things happen to me, personally. Telling people about good things is…well, …a good thing!

It’s been a battle all week.

Finally today, I’m feeling better about what Pastor Margaret thanked me for. Why on earth would I not want to tell people about my success? Isn’t that why we do things? Don’t we set goals, create missions, and have hopes and dreams and try to be successful at them? Life is a chance to highlight what is good for you. Conversations are an opportunity to push your thoughts into a brighter direction. Relationships are strengthened and weakened by what each creature brings to it.   What you put out to the world matters. What you highlight in your own world is even more important.

The success of my December is going to start with me getting my “Month” organized right now. What am I going to fill in those little numbered boxes with as “gentle reminders,” “helpful tips,” and “important dates?” What am I going to fill my days with that will contribute to my success? Personally, professionally, what might seem frivolous to you, all…important to me. We’re not just talking about the shop are we, Pastor Margaret?

You’re welcome, MY FRIEND.

– Joy


Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

– Psalm 37:4