Trends with Friends

Trends with Friends

trend  noun   a general direction in which something is developing or changing.


“I stopped drinking.”unnamed-2

“I took up needlepoint.”

“I’m doing more yoga.”

“I’m just not eating crap anymore.”

“I’m an independent consultant now.”

“I voted.”

“I’m thinking about running for something.”

“Let’s start a supper club.”

“I have this business idea.”

“Did you read that book yet?”

“I’m in a knitting group.”

“I joined a CSA.”

“I built a garden.”

“I made my garden bigger.”

“We reconnected.”

“I just got back from visiting my family.”

“I’m going on vacation.”

“That’s awesome.”

“That was great.”

“This is for you.”

These are some of the things I’m hearing these days.unnamed-1

Good is a trend.  What say you?  Scrabble, anyone?

xo- Joy

Joy Proft is the owner of JOY all things underthings in Manchester Center, Vermont.  The wooden plaque of Vermont was a gift from a neighbor who made every inch of it.  A hand-delivered surprise on one of those glorious October days.