Teeing off on a par 3 where I’d happily take bogey.
I love this time of year. Yes, yes it is spring! The birds are chirping, the snow is thawing, and the ground is slowly re-exposing itself. Courtney said something so funny the other day as we stood looking out the window at the sticks and brown leaves and muddy water from the day’s earlier rain, she said, “…and just think, this is the ugliest it will ever be here.” Ha, how true. I love Vermont. Even in April!
And yes, yes, my birthday was Tuesday. I’ve always loved my birthday even though it has pretty much rained every year on that day (April 8th) no matter where I’ve lived – except for L.A., of course, where there was that one year I took the day off and rode the ferris wheel on the Santa Monica Pier. That was a fun one for sure – venture out there and do it sometime if you haven’t!
Facebook took this current year’s birthday to a whole new level with well-wishing posts from friends from all over the place, photos of rebel chicks rocking lingerie, inspiring quotes about being yourself, and even a video of a guy playing dueling recorders through his nostrils to the tune of “Ode to Joy.” (thanks, Geoff!)
And then, there is The Masters on TV that happens every year right about this time. I love everything about golf so I guess it makes sense that I like watching it on TV…or in the case of working in the bra shop over the next few days, “streaming” The Masters on that big screen Mac that acts as a cash register too.
Sure, I love the “action” of a big golf tournament (I know some of you reading this are like “action?” Golf????), but those interviews with the pro golfers…have you listened to them? For some reason The Masters’ interviews in particular are so awesomely inspiring. Maybe it has something to do with the tradition and glory of this particular tournament, not to mention the fun things about winning this tournament like wearing a green jacket and getting to pick the dinner menu at the next year’s event. Whatever it is, these interviews are about more than just the way these guys play golf, it’s the way that they think. It is what they believe. No doubt it helps their golf game, but I bet it helps their life game too.
Here are some things I heard just this morning on the dawn of the 2014 Masters. I’m inspired to take these ways of thinking and believing away and apply them to my own golf game…and my own life game too. Game ON.
Pro Golfer #1: “I know I’m a good putter and if I drive well, I can win this thing. Fortunately, I have some extra time to practice today so I’m looking forward to that. I’ll be in good shape to hit it where I want to put it.”
Pro Golfer #2: “I’ve been dreaming about winning The Masters since I was a little kid. Whether that happens three days from now or in some year to come, I’m excited to be here and try to make it happen. I’m going to go out and do my best.”
Pro Golfer #3: “Yes, I changed my swing last year and feel great about it and can’t wait to bring it to the course today.”
Pro Golfer #1 (later in the interview): “…and to win this thing, you gotta be willing to accept those bogeys and move on to the next tee. I think that is what has made me a better golfer…I accept bogeys, you know? There are good bogeys out there. You have to appreciate them for what they are.”
What I heard: Know your strengths. Know those things you could be better at and work at getting better at them. Don’t be afraid to change. See the blessings in everything. Put yourself in position to win. To win, you have to try. Dream.
Golf brings me joy in so many ways. Today, it’s the motivation from golf’s masters at The Masters. In just a few weeks, I’ll be out there grippin’ it and rippin’ it decked out in my golf outfits and enjoying the snickers bar at the turn. Whatever your “golf” is, I hope you experience some of it today and often. If you still haven’t found your “golf,” try taking a step towards something new. It’s out there.
See you on the tee.