Our logo. We play with it a lot. Since the beginning of the bra shop, we’ve changed it to acknowledge things like holidays, seasons, and the weather. It’s our beacon, our touchstone. We use it to connect, to convey, and sometimes just to smile.
We kicked off 2016 with a bright and glistening logo on New Year’s Day, and ten days later we were stunned by the death of David Bowie. His death was the first time we created a logo in tribute. Its simple message seemed to resonate. We all could relate. It felt unifying in surprise, sadness, and inspiration.
The spring brought a host of logos including a tribute to another legend and a knock at the Trump campaign
slogan. I was a little nervous about using the word “boobs,” but everyone got the joke as far as I know. (Maybe we should make some lawn signs. Hey Manchester, what do you think?) Prince’s death was wrenching. We had a sale on everything purple and played his music in the shop all day. Our dearly beloved logo helped us get through it.
At this point, I have to make sure you know that it’s not me who comes up with these creations – at least not alone. It’s Holly who does the graphic heavy-lifting and I like to call her our VP of Marketing and Branding even though we aren’t some big fancy
She’s been on my wavelength with this logo stuff from the very very beginning when we sat down next to each other and the initial “boobs in the O” and “panty in the Y” was born. She gets what I want to say and creates it. I am one lucky CEO.
The summer brought blueberries and a feeling that we needed to put some call for peace and love out there. Politics felt brutal, but the blueberries were fierce. If there was a miss
in a logo this year, it might have been one for a nod to the cucumber crop. It was a banner year.
The fall (Bractober!), Veterans Day, our first snowstorm…all of these logos have brought us to the here and now of late December. Holly and I are musing and collaborating on ideas for 2017. As it has for the past four years, the conversation starts with an early morning brilliant (ha!) nugget of an idea from me and Holly’s innate ability to read my mind. I’m confident that by New Year’s Day we’ll have a logo worthy of JOY.
We went into 2016 with no idea of all that would happen and how these logos would help us relate and unite. What will 2017 bring? We’re planning on JOY…in logos and otherwise.
Thanks for sharing it all. – Joy…with all kudos imaginable to Holly.