Not to give you another thing to think about on the brink of what for most of us is a very busy couple of days, but the shop will be 5 months old tomorrow. We opened for business on Saturday, June 29 and I remember the feeling when the first two customers walked through […]

A holiday. A milestone. Belly Dancers. And so on and so on and so on.

This Is My Bra
I should have known it was going to be something special when two jovial girlfriends walked into the shop and one of them reminded me of my favorite aunt. The other one was a little younger, had longer hair, and immediately went to a corner of the shop feigning shopping, seemingly trying to […]

Hurrah for Hosiery
Our inventory of bras, lingerie, shape wear, sleepwear, etc etc makes a lot of people happy, but there’s been one category that has been lacking – hell, not even just lacking, but totally missing…and that is HOSIERY. I mean if we are going to be an “underthings” store, we gotta have some hose, right? Much […]

I Know You Got Soul.
I gave my friend Simone a ride to the airport today so she could pick up her car. Her brother drove it there yesterday and left it before catching his flight back home to California. Simone – and all of her friends who would be willing to give him a ride – had to […]

Whoa, on the radio…
I’m feeling like it’s about time to really get out there and promote the shop. Facebook has been AWESOME and we’ve done a couple of sponsorships and donations, but the time has come to do some traditional advertising – you know radio, print, (tv?)… With foliage coming on hard and the holidays not far behind, […]

I’m sitting here alone in the shop late this Labor Day Monday reminiscing and thanking my lucky stars that I knew a man named Brooks Brown. He died Friday and to say that I owe him dearly for being able to sit here right now is an understatement. Brooks was the founder of WEQX radio […]

“Here. Take this frame.”
August 24, 2013 Dear Stephanie, Thank you so much for the beautiful frame that you gave me back in May. It was the first thing I brought into the shop when I got the keys on June 1st. I took a picture of it that day when both the frame and the shop were empty, and […]

Joy on JOY.
I’m writing this at 8:06 PM the night before my first day off from the shop. I need it…I’m tired, my brain is fried, and my house is a total mess. I’m not kidding. I just remembered someplace that I was supposed to be at 5, I entirely forgot a conversation that I had with […]