A woman who looked about my age walked into the bra shop and said she was looking for a shower gift. She explained that the bride was 52 and had really good taste. She asked if we carried a very expensive French brand that she knew her friend liked. I apologized that we didn’t and […]

All P
When I heard the news about Prince’s death, the first person I thought of was my ex-husband Jim, who is the Program Director of a radio station in Minneapolis. In his last visit to Vermont, Jim and I spent about two hours talking by the stream. We mostly talked about work and at some point […]

Change Clothes
There comes a time early in every Vermont woman’s year when she must give up her turtlenecks and fleece to make way for some pastels. It is the day that signifies we are declaring winter is behind us and that spring is coming. That day for me was today as I switched over my closets […]

It’s Not You, It’s Menopause
This is for women of a certain age; and by that I mean around 48 give or take. In the past week I have heard more about sweating and sleeping (or not sleeping) and cramping and bleeding than any of the other years of my life. I remember my first hint of it back several […]

Eyes Wide Open
Throwback to three years ago right around this time and you’ll find me getting ready to attend my first CURVE Expo Lingerie Trade Show in New York City. That was where I went to Bra Fit School and met with lingerie vendors for the first time. I hadn’t decided definitely whether or not to open […]

A Faith-Filled Call
We haven’t quite figured out the online shopping thing so we still take orders the old fashioned way – on the phone. A call came in last Friday about 5:30 p.m. and Julie sprang into action despite a long day at the shop and a dark afternoon outside. I heard half of the conversation…here’s how […]
The Lonesome Bra
We get a lot more men in the shop this time of year than we do any other season. About the only thing these male holiday season customers might have in common is that they are trying to get you – their women – something that you will like. Some of them walk in and proclaim […]

Pop Goes a Trunk Show
The idea for doing a trunk show at the shop has been kicking around ever since we opened. We have this great little retail space literally in the “backroom” that has been kind of screaming for it, but for this reason or that (…we had the Farmstore back there for a while and we kinda like […]

Fishnets for the Holidays? Oh yes!
Courtney chimes in on wearing fishnets to our holiday party. Looking to jazz up that holiday outfit? Check out what our hosiery expert has to say! Living in Vermont, I don’t get the opportunity to dress up as much as I’d like. When I get a party invitation, my first thought is “Oh goody- what […]