Courtney chimes in on wearing fishnets to our holiday party. Looking to jazz up that holiday outfit? Check out what our hosiery expert has to say! Living in Vermont, I don’t get the opportunity to dress up as much as I’d like. When I get a party invitation, my first thought is “Oh goody- what […]

Vermont Veil. Vermont Strong.
The new wedding coordinator for the Equinox came into the shop yesterday. She started a few weeks ago and comes to Manchester’s largest resort from another popular resort up north. Her GM suggested that she visit JOY as she gets acquainted with Manchester and the local bridal scene. I gave her the tour of the shop […]

I stayed late in the shop last Friday. We close at 6, but I was still there finishing up some things around 6:20 when I heard footsteps and laughter on the porch and a woman’s voice saying, “The lights are on, let’s try it.” In they came – the three of them – with laughter and a, “Are […]