The idea for doing a trunk show at the shop has been kicking around ever since we opened. We have this great little retail space literally in the “backroom” that has been kind of screaming for it, but for this reason or that (…we had the Farmstore back there for a while and we kinda like […]

Making Bad Girls Better
Race for the Cure is this weekend in Manchester and for the third year in a row, Courtney and I will be at our table in the sponsorship area. This “area” used to be a tent, but this year the event will be at the Riley Rink and I found out yesterday that the sponsor […]

Intimate Apparel
It all started back on February 2nd when I received an email from Dina Janis, the Executive Director of the Dorset Theatre Festival: Hi Joy- We are doing a Pulitzer Prize winning play this summer called Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage. It tells the story of an African American seamstress at the turn of […]

Sticky Boob Business
Sticky boobs were a hot item in Manchester last week. It was the week before Prom and Prom “bra” shopping brought a lot of teenage girls into the shop. We had a blast with girls bringing in their dresses or showing us pictures on their iPhone. They were looking for just the right “underthing.” In […]

(This blog was written in March – we are now back to being open 7 days a week at 11!) Sometimes you can drive yourself crazy trying to make a decision. That’s how I feel right now about closing the shop on Thursdays in March. I’ve pretty much driven myself crazy trying to decide whether […]

Vermont Veil. Vermont Strong.
The new wedding coordinator for the Equinox came into the shop yesterday. She started a few weeks ago and comes to Manchester’s largest resort from another popular resort up north. Her GM suggested that she visit JOY as she gets acquainted with Manchester and the local bridal scene. I gave her the tour of the shop […]
Cooking 3 Meals at Once on “Life of the Party!”
My friend Amy has a cooking show on the local public access TV station, and last month she invited me to be the guest. What fun! The guests get to choose what to make and it didn’t take me long to decide to do my “3 Meals at Once” using real food based on the Whole30 […]

Out Loud Proud
Today is going to be my last day off in a while and one “to do” on my list is to sit down and look at my calendar. I know I’ve committed to a few things and for all I can remember, some of them are on the same date. Matt just emailed me something […]