This week didn’t turn out as I planned. Like many of us, I thought Hillary Clinton was going to be our next President. I even had a whole marketing campaign planned: Bras are everywhere, even in the Oval Office. As my father, a veteran, told me a long long time ago, success is based on […]
I remember when I saw my first petal top. I was at the counter in the lingerie department at a Nordstrom in Los Angeles about ten years ago. I looked at the display in front of the register that showcased these nipple concealer things called “Petals.” My life was changed forever. I’m one of those women who […]

JOY at CURVE Awards – Winners Announced
For Immediate Release August 3, 2016 Media Contact: Joy from JOY #JOYatCURVE New York City, New York: JOY all things underthings, a full-service lingerie shop in Manchester, Vermont, announces the winners of the inaugural JOY at CURVE Awards. The CURVE Expo, the lingerie industry’s largest trade show, took place at the Javits Center from July […]

Joy on joy
The shop turned three at the beginning of July. It feels every day of it. I mean that in the most grateful way possible. This helping-women-find-a-bra-that-works thing is really a real business. Everyday…and I mean every day the bra shop doors are open, we help women find their joy from the inside out. That’s our […]

Change Clothes
There comes a time early in every Vermont woman’s year when she must give up her turtlenecks and fleece to make way for some pastels. It is the day that signifies we are declaring winter is behind us and that spring is coming. That day for me was today as I switched over my closets […]

Heart and Soul in the Village
I’m liking a lot of things going on in Manchester right now: the leaves are just starting to turn, the pumpkins are getting bigger by the minute, we’re selling a lot of bras and pajamas, and new businesses are opening up around town. Good things are going on here in Vermont, for sure. The new […]

Intimate Apparel
It all started back on February 2nd when I received an email from Dina Janis, the Executive Director of the Dorset Theatre Festival: Hi Joy- We are doing a Pulitzer Prize winning play this summer called Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage. It tells the story of an African American seamstress at the turn of […]

Sticky Boob Business
Sticky boobs were a hot item in Manchester last week. It was the week before Prom and Prom “bra” shopping brought a lot of teenage girls into the shop. We had a blast with girls bringing in their dresses or showing us pictures on their iPhone. They were looking for just the right “underthing.” In […]

Vermont Veil. Vermont Strong.
The new wedding coordinator for the Equinox came into the shop yesterday. She started a few weeks ago and comes to Manchester’s largest resort from another popular resort up north. Her GM suggested that she visit JOY as she gets acquainted with Manchester and the local bridal scene. I gave her the tour of the shop […]
Cooking 3 Meals at Once on “Life of the Party!”
My friend Amy has a cooking show on the local public access TV station, and last month she invited me to be the guest. What fun! The guests get to choose what to make and it didn’t take me long to decide to do my “3 Meals at Once” using real food based on the Whole30 […]