This week didn’t turn out as I planned. Like many of us, I thought Hillary Clinton was going to be our next President. I even had a whole marketing campaign planned: Bras are everywhere, even in the Oval Office. As my father, a veteran, told me a long long time ago, success is based on […]
A Bra for Eternity
We have one of those customers who comes in often – I’d say once every other month or so – and has purchased several bras from us. She’s one of those sizes that isn’t easy to find out there in the bra shopping world. If cup size is a bell curve, she’s on the far […]

Behind the Curtain
…And now we are going to talk about something that I haven’t known how to talk about so basically I have ignored it. It’s personal, and private, and I’m fine with admitting that I’ve been a bit afraid to broach the subject with you. Thank goodness for Julie who has taken the bull by the […]

It’s Not You, It’s Menopause
This is for women of a certain age; and by that I mean around 48 give or take. In the past week I have heard more about sweating and sleeping (or not sleeping) and cramping and bleeding than any of the other years of my life. I remember my first hint of it back several […]