With Easter, formals, proms, weddings, graduations, and all sorts of spring and summer occasions upon us, dress-shopping season is here. I felt it start the other day when a woman came in, dress slung over her arm, looking for a strapless to wear under a low-cut black number she’s wearing to a wedding in a […]

Change Clothes
There comes a time early in every Vermont woman’s year when she must give up her turtlenecks and fleece to make way for some pastels. It is the day that signifies we are declaring winter is behind us and that spring is coming. That day for me was today as I switched over my closets […]

Vermont Veil. Vermont Strong.
The new wedding coordinator for the Equinox came into the shop yesterday. She started a few weeks ago and comes to Manchester’s largest resort from another popular resort up north. Her GM suggested that she visit JOY as she gets acquainted with Manchester and the local bridal scene. I gave her the tour of the shop […]