“I miss Natori.” is a sentence I hear all the time. There used to be a Natori “outlet” store here in Manchester and in addition to women telling me all the time that they miss Natori, they also tell me they love Natori. Stores come and go in this little “shopping” town I do […]

Aug 7, 2014
100 Proof Memories
August 7, 2014 By
I drove to Albany on Sunday morning to catch the train to New York City. It was a blissful hour and a half of alone time where my mind did nothing but think about some of the things that happened at the shop and in my personal life during the past week. It was a […]

Dec 10, 2013
Holiday Gifts You Won’t Find at JOY – Courtney’s Picks
December 10, 2013 By
Of course, we have a ton of gift ideas at the shop and are happy to help you, but even I have to admit that there isn’t necessarily something for everyone at JOY. I’ve asked Courtney and Connie (two of the smartest, coolest, and most sensible women I’ve ever met) to tell us a little bit […]